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Children's Meetings

“Truly I say to you, Unless you turn and become like little children, you shall by no means enter into the kingdom of the heavens. He therefore who will humble himself like this little child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of the heavens. And whoever receives one such little child because of My name, receives Me.” (Matt. 18:3-5)


“But Jesus said, Allow the little children and do not prevent them from coming to Me, for of such is the kingdom of the heavens.” (Matthew 19:14)

story time
Albin Children lesson
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Our children’s work (K-6th) takes as a starting point the realization that every child is a gift from God and has been created to contain God and express God. Our focus is to cultivate a proper humanity in each of our children. Our goal during this stage of their lives is that each of our children would have a soft heart that loves and honors God. Our weekly children’s lessons include an age-appropriate curriculum consisting of Bible stories, timeless character lessons, fun children’s songs, and personal shepherding.

Our lessons are along several basic lines: 1) There is a God; 2) The beauty and wonder of creation; and 3) The preciousness of humanity, with aspects of character, and the law included.

We also regularly host neighborhood children’s gatherings for neighbors, classmates, and friends of our children. The video below will give you a sense of how enjoyable it is to raise a child in the household of the faith.

Special Events for Children


  • Conferences: Sixth-grade children attend a weekend conference in May each year. They hear the gospel of Jesus Christ and are led to receive Him as their Savior and Lord. Afterward they are led to be baptized. This prepares them to participate in the Lord’s Table and go on to young people’s (youth) meeting.

  • Every year for summer we have a special day camp where we have stories, activities, games, crafts and many other activities with children K-12

  • For a schedule of special events see the Meeting Calendar or “Children” section of Upcoming Events


For more questions, please go to Contact Us

Childrens Bible Summer Camp 2019

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The church in Boise

1301 Juanita Street
Boise, Idaho 83706


Tel: 714-697-3203 EN

Tel: 208-284-6268 SP

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